Dear Members,
The ICA Membership fee was approved in the first AGM held on Dec 19, 2020 which was not charged thus far due to the pandemic. It is an annual membership fee of Rs.1200/- inclusive GST to be paid every year starting FY 2021-22.
Please note that ICA is not as yet authorized to receive payments in foreign currency and/or from foreign passport holders.
You can use the payment button below to make the payment or send us a cheque drawn on Indian Cricketers’ Association to the below address:
Indian Cricketers Association
#64/6, 1st Floor, Shankarmutt Road, Shankarapuram, Bengaluru – 560004. Ph: +91 80 40952309.
Please clearly mention your Membership Number (ICA Folio number) at the back of the cheque and the year for which the payment is being made. For the last year payment please mention 2021-22 and current year, kindly mention FY 2022-23.
If your contact details such as phone number, address, email have changed, kindly send us a note on the same along with the cheque.
Team ICA