Dear Member,

We are pleased to share an exciting update about ICA’s new collaboration with Redcliffe Labs & Spurthi Meditek Health Services Pvt. Ltd.

We are now offering a comprehensive FULL BODY CHECK-UP WITH 44 TESTS for all our Class A members and their spouses. The cost of this health package will be covered by ICA (Class A members are those who have cleared their membership fees up to the last financial year 2023-24).

Health Check-Up Package Includes:

  1. Haematology: Haemoglobin, Packed Cell Volume, MCHC, MCV, MCH, WBC Differential Count, Peripheral Smear, RBC, ESR, Platelet Count
  2. Diabetes Assessment: Fasting Blood Sugar, HbA1c
  3. Lipid Profile: Total Cholesterol, HDL / LDL / VLDL, Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol / HDL Ratio, LDL: HDL Ratio
  4. Liver Function Test: Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, A / G Ratio, Alkaline Phosphatase, SGPT / SGOT / GGTP, Bilirubin – Total & Indirect
  5. Kidney Assessment: Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Serum Creatinine, Serum Uric Acid
  6. Bone Assessment: Serum Calcium
  7. Other Tests: Urine Routine, Iron Study, Thyroid Profile (TSH)

Special Highlight: At the request of our members, we are excited to announce that we are also adding Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3 tests to the health check-up package.

You can easily book your health package and consultations from the comfort of your home.

We highly encourage all Class A members to take full advantage of this valuable health program.

Any member who hasn’t paid their past dues and is willing to be featured in the Class A Members list can use the link below and follow the process for continued services and benefits as our current rules bar us from extending any benefits to those who have dues. The fee is Rs 1200 per year, including GST, and the following link can be used to make the payment :

 Click Here to Pay

Those who have paid their fees, kindly ignore the above paragraph.

Kindly find the attached list of Class A members  as on 31/01/2025 and further details of the annual health check up.

In case of any query feel free to reach out to us.

Thanks and Regards,

Team ICA


List of ICA Class A member with Spurthi Meditek Health Services